With 30 + years in the corporate arena in Accounting, Human Resources and Payroll, Jane has mastered several skills that foster the way she relates to, addresses, and appreciates people.
A published Author and avid poet, Jane was in love with words from the start. As a youth, she could often be found playing with the dictionary – flipping through pages, landing on, and choosing a word to discover and learn.
It was in high school that her love of words began to take shape in the form of essays and poetry. Jane was often creating stories in her mind that she never put to paper.
It was not until Jane was the parent of a then 6-year-old son who one night at bedtime, requested a ‘made up’ story. And thus, ‘Jimmy Smith, and The Corn’ was born. It would be 20 years until the publishing of that story came to be. A children’s book about being of service, which received an ‘International Literary Award’ from the Professional Woman Publishing Network. Jane continues to create and is currently working on the sequel to this book titled ‘Jimmy Smith and The Magic Chalkboard’.
Human kindness is a critical value to Jane. She recognizes how paramount it is to encourage an atmosphere of safety, comfort and truth in both her personal and business life. She understands that, fundamentally, this allows people to be open to share those things which hurt and heal the most…Love and Loss.